The AgroCheck database works really easy and fast. Click in the menu (on top of the page) on 'Reports'. On top of the page you can choose for:

1. All: This is a list with all companies in the database, both with positive and negative history.
2. Bankruptcies: This is a list with all known bankruptcies.
3. Warninglist: This is a list with all companies that have had (payment-)problems in the past.

After you found the right debtor you click on 'Advice', then you will be asked if you are sure that you want more information about this company. If you click 'Yes, give me advice', you will receive detailed information about this company, including the 'Tulip ranking'. This ranking directly gives you the current rank about this company. If you cannot find the company in the database, you can ask for an up-to-date credit report.

At AgroCheck we are familiar with a lot of companies. However, we don't have a debt history of every company. Also not all the companies in the industry are in the database. If you do need extra information about a certain company and is this company not, or not completely in our database? Please ask us to find out extra information about this company. We have access to many databases worldwide and have the right knowledge of the industry to create a useful credit report for you.

The costs for an up-to-date credit report are €35,-* per report for companies in Europe and €45,-* per report for companies outside Europe. Non members pay an additional €20,-* per report.

Would you like to receive an example of a credit report? Feel free to contact us.

AgroCheck uses a 'Tulpip ranking'. Each tulip has a different meaning:

    1 Green tulip: This company is familiar to AgroCheck. There are no problems known, by our information you can do business with this company.

    2 Yellow tulips: This company is familiar to AgroCheck. However at AgroCheck there is no financial history known about this company.

    3 Orange tulips: This company is familiar to AgroCheck. In the past there have been some (debt-)problems which are solved. We advice you to make good agreements with this company.

    4 Red tulips: This company is familiar to AgroCheck. There are several (debt-)problems known to this company, which haven't been solved yet. We advice you to be really careful with this company and only do business when there is enough certainty.

    5 Black tulips: This company is familiar to AgroCheck. We give a NEGATIVE ADVICE for this company. This could be because of a bankruptcy, temporary suspension of payment, fraud, big payment arrears, or other bad experiences. We advice you to not do any kind of business with this company.

Besides this ranking you will also receive all available company information, remarks and an explanation if a company is listed on the Warninglist.

AgroCheck Collections specializes in International Debt Collection Services. We travel all over the world on behalf of our customers, with which we have significantly increased the chance of successful debt collections. With more than 23 years of experience in the agricultural sector (flowers & plants, bulbs and vegetables & fruit), AgroCheck Collections is uniquely aware of the working methods in these sectors. We have been doing business with many renowned traders and propagators, at home and abroad, for many years. We are fully aware of the issues surrounding exports, including logistics and packaging & trolley systems.

Do you want more information? Contact us.

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Need Help?

Please contact AgroCheck if you have any questions. We are always ready to help you with any possible questions or problems. You can also ask us for a free quote.
