From Spain to Portugal, scammers switch companies and country

From: June 07, 2024

We already knew that scammers regularly change company names. Addresses, contacts and telephone numbers are also often changed, but a group of scammers from Northern Spain that has been known to us since 2009 is suddenly active again from Portugal and started making debts as usual.

This group can create confusion like no other. Years ago, this gang was already active from the North of Portugal, but in recent years they kept popping up with company registrations in and around Pontevedra, Northern Spain. Until the end of 2023. Since then, business has resumed through a company in Valenca in Portugal, a place near the border with Northern Spain.

Many exporters and growers now know that this fraud gang is active around Pontevedra, so they are often extra careful with requests from this region. But almost no one assumes that there is a link with a Portuguese company and this gang is now benefiting from that. Unfortunately, there are always victims, including in this case. Don't become the next victim!

Due to the frequent use of front men, these people are often initially able to remain out of the picture and arouse trust, but after a proper investigation it can quickly be discovered that they are the same people. We can protect you against these scammers with our database and our credit reports, so the AgroCheck membership will often be profitable quickly!

AgroCheck members who would like to know which debtors this concerns can contact us. We advise non-members to consider an AgroCheck membership. From only $ 495,- per year you can prevent a lot of trouble.